30/11/2023UIB - call for candidacy
Call for candidacy
29/11/2023STIP - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2023
Company STIP, publishes its individual intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2023.
28/11/2023ASSUR MAGHREBIA - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by company UNION FINANCIERE HOLDING.
27/11/2023SMART TUNISIE - Press release
Press release
24/11/2023TPR - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mr Karim BAYAHI.
24/11/2023TPR - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE D'INVESTISSEMENT - CFI.
24/11/2023SOTUVER - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Mr. Karim BAYAHI.
24/11/2023SOTUVER - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of the significant operations carried out by company CIE FINANCIERE D’INVESTISSEMENT.
22/11/2023SOTUVER - Press release from the financial Market Council
Press release from the financial Market Council
20/11/2023STAR - General Meeting ordinary at 30/11/2023
General Meeting ordinary at 30/11/2023