Issuers information


E.g., 06-01-2025
E.g., 06-01-2025

17/12/2018MAGASIN GENERAL - Declaration of significant operations

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Med Invest Company.

17/12/2018SERVICOM - Press release

SERVICOM SA announces that in accordance with the convention signed between SERVICOM HOLDING and investment fund GEM on 29/10/2018.

14/12/2018MAGASIN GENERAL - Declaration of significant operations

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Med Invest Company

13/12/2018SERVICOM - Financial statements half-yearly at 30/06/2018

Company SERVICOM publishes its intermediate financial statements stopped at the 30/06/2018

13/12/2018BIAT - Threshold crossing down

Crossing downwards of the threshold of 5%.

13/12/2018BIAT - Declaration of significant operations

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by the MAGHREB FINANCIAL HOLDING.

13/12/2018BIAT - Declaration of significant operations

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by FINANCIAL WIDED SICAF.

13/12/2018AETECH - General Meeting ordinary & extraordinary at 28/12/2018

The shareholders of the company Advanced E-Technologies “AeTECH” are convened as a Standard general meeting and Extraordinary on Friday, 28 December, 2018.

11/12/2018SERVICOM - Press release

SERVICOM announces that in accordance with the convention signed with GEM on 10/29/2018.

11/12/2018Maghreb Intern Pub (Hors Cote) - General Meeting extraordinary at 28/12/2018

The shareholders of INTERNATIONAL the MAGHREB company PUBLICITY (MIP) are convened at an Extraordinary general assembly, planned for on Friday, 28 December, 2018.